AVIPEO.COM - the first social network for the global aviation community.

What AVIPEO.COM offers visitors:

  • Community: Create a free user profile and use AVIPEO.COM as your digital business card.
  • News: Don't miss the latest daily aviation news on AVIPEO.COM.
  • Career: Find your next aviation job on AVIPEO.COM.
  • Companies: Search for companies with our unique search engine in the aviation company database on AVIPEO.COM.
  • Events: Find all aviation events in the comprehensive event calendar on AVIPEO.COM.

What AVIPEO.COM offers companies:

  • Companies: Create a free company profile and present your products and services. Find new customers and partners in our unique database.
  • News: Inform AVIPEO.COM visitors about your new and post your press releases in our news category "Company News".
  • Career: Find your next employee with a job ad on AVIPEO.COM.
  • Events: Promote your aviation event on AVIPEO.COM and attract new visitors and exhibitors.

Our Story:

AVIPEO.COM was founded in April 2015 as a product of the Hamburg-based Hanse-Aerospace Wirtschaftsdienst GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of the Hanse-Aerospace e.V. Hanse-Aerospace e.V. in turn is the largest German association for small and medium-sized companies in the aviation sector.

  • Marketing
  • Communication
  • HR
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