- US Aviation Delegation Trip 2017

  • Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, USA
  • EAIC

European and American businesses comprise most of the global Aviation and Defense (A&D) industry, accounting for 30.8 and 60.4 percent, or US$207.7 and US$407.6 billion, of global A&D revenue in 2016, respectively.

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The European A&D sector employed around 552,265 people, and maintained a steady Research and Development (R&D) expenditure of €20 billion in 2015. The sector is also highly internationalized: in 2015, exports of civil aeronautics accounted for 75% of total sales in civil aeronautics, with €46 billion of €74 billion of total exports going to destinations outside of the EU. As the biggest market for A&D products worldwide, the United States remains the most attractive trading partner and investment location for European aerospace companies. The United States is home to industry leaders such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin and GE aviation, which combined achieved revenues upwards of US$160 billion. In 2016, the American A&D sector employed 2.4 million people – encompassing 1.6 million supply chain jobs.

Given the skilled and educated workforce, extensive distribution systems, diverse offerings and strong support at the local and national level for policy promotion, U.S. states repeatedly top the attractiveness ranking for high-tech manufacturing. This trip aims to connect German suppliers with key U.S. aviation companies and production sites. It will focus geographically on the aviation hubs of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas – home to both industry leaders and hidden champions. As such, it will aim to shed light on how to gain access to the U.S. civilian and military aviation market.



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